The people behind the policies:

David and Cheri’s story

Many see updating their insurance policy as just another task to tick off their to-do list. However, having good policies can be a gamechanger when life takes a sudden turn – as David and Cheri found when David received a devastating diagnosis.

Early signs of David’s illness happened at work when he began to drop tools during maintenance jobs. Not long after, his brother noticed that David was dragging one leg, and before long, wife Cheri noticed a change to one side of his face. A visit to the hospital in Rotorua revealed some bad news. David had a Glioblastoma, a grade 4 brain tumor that is unfortunately inoperable.

For the couple, the diagnosis turned their life around. David was no longer able to work, and Cheri has become his caregiver, which affected their income capabilities.

However, they were grateful for the safety net they had in the form of their insurance, which has provided excellent medical care for David, as well as a mobility scooter and income protection that allows a good quality of life as they grapple with his illness.

Not long before David fell ill, the couple remember being contacted to update their insurance policies, a task they thought was “something of a nuisance”. But as Cheri says, “little did we know that come December we needed it.” She recommends that others ensure they have their policies in place, as their insurance was “lifesaving” for the couple.

Along with the love of his wife and the strength of their relationship, for David it was also a huge relief to have the right advice and care in your time of need, so that he and Cheri could make the most of their time together.

You can watch David and Cheri’s story here.

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