When crime doesn’t payout

While most have never given it serious consideration (we hope), the thought of an insurance payout can seem like a tempting notion to the less educated out there. However, this type of fraud is nearly always caught. Here are five cases that made the headlines…
Tracking the value of life

Until the 16th century there wasn’t a recognised method of buying life insurance and looking after your family. Obviously, there was a need. However, it wasn’t as easy as just providing a service to meet the demand. Many early attempts at providing financial aid to families failed.
The cost of living is going up…

From the clear evidence in the supermarket aisle to the many stories in the media, there is no getting away from the rising cost of living. Unfortunately, this also has flow-on effects for another inevitable part of life: death.
The people behind the policies:

Many see updating their insurance policy as just another task to tick off their to-do list. However, having good policies can be a gamechanger when life takes a sudden turn – as David and Cheri found when David received a devastating diagnosis.