Want the best home loan? Then talk to us!

Autumn 2010

Want the best home loan? Then talk to us!

Confused as to where to start looking for the best home loan?  Well don’t be!

CB025565For some time now, Eric James & Associates have been providing clients with our independent mortgage service. This includes home owners, property investors, businesses and developers.  With Eric James & Associates independent home loan service it might cost you less than going direct to a bank. Plus saving you considerable time, confusion and worry as to whether you are getting the best loan possible to suit you.

Free Service*

No hidden mark-ups or fees will be added to your home loan. The loan we achieve for you is exactly at the same cost as if you had approached the bank or lending institution direct.  In fact, given our special volume transaction relationships with all of New Zealand’s major lenders we can, depending on circumstances, often save you money on establishment and administration fees associated with taking out a loan.
* Some commercial or development loans may incur a fee.

Quick, Easy & On-line

In most cases we can discuss your options by phone. No inconvenient appointments, waiting areas or interviews.  Once you have all your options and we have all your details we’ll simply make the best recommendation, then arrange for the paperwork to be completed as required.  It’s that easy. Of course in a few circumstances, a face to face meeting could be advisable particularly if the loan is a bit more complex. It’s simply then a matter of calling your Eric James & Associates Mobile Mortgage Advisor.

Security & Independence

Unlike some better known mortgage brokers, who only have a few lenders on offer, we have the widest range of lending options available. That includes some major banks that won’t deal with other brokers. More importantly when we negotiate the best home loan on your behalf the legal contract and payments are made direct to the bank or lending institution giving you that added security.

Why Us?

The biggest advantage of using Eric James & Associates for your home / business loan is the best value (and right advice) is not taken in isolation of your other financial commitments, lifestyle or protection needs.  Because we know you through our financial / protection services, we are better placed to give you the mortgage structure that best suits you commitments, aspirations and lifestyle.  So if you’re looking to buy a home (or business) for the first time or renegotiating an existing loan, call us at Eric James on 0800 374 252 for a no obligation chat.

A Moving Experience!

We’ve just moved our Head Office premises to 5/211 Ferry Road, Christchurch.  All our contact numbers, telephone, postal and email remain the same (which you’ll find on the back of this newsletter). If you’re ever in the neighbourhood, drop in as there will always be a warm welcome.

A Great Time to Buy?

We recently put that question to Harcourts Senior Property Consultant, John Morrison.  Here’s John’s response …. “In line with seasonal trends, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of properties listed for sale since late-January.  Recent Government discussions about changes to GST and tax changes that will inevitably impact on property investors have contributed to a slowdown in demand from this sector. Continued ‘doom and gloom’ stories in the media have resulted in a marked slowdown in the overall market over the past few weeks, although this can vary from property to property. More sellers are turning to Auction to sell their properties, partly as a way of pre-qualifying the potential buyer(s) for their home. Many are also prepared to offer flexible settlement terms, which can be useful if you’re looking to buy another home but need to sell your present one. We’ve also noticed that more buyers are turning to Mortgage Brokers to save time and help them get a ‘Pre-qualified’ finance package best-suited to their particular needs. Barring any unforeseen developments, we expect the market to remain relatively flat throughout the remainder of 2010, with most economic commentators predicting an upturn in prices in 2011. So now is actually a great time to be buying property …especially if you’re able to be in a ‘cash’ position.  But as always; whether buying or selling; it pays to get good advice first.”  John Morrison can be contacted at Harcourts Holmwood, Ilam, Christchurch at (03) 351 3002 or 027 536 0012

Protecting Your Biggest Asset

For most New Zealanders, their home is both their greatest asset and greatest financial liability. That’s why it’s important to have a protection policy in place should you suffer from unforeseen circumstances such as death, illness or injury. So what are the options?

Mortgage Protection
Sometimes referred to as mortgage repayment insurance, for many property owners this is a very sensible form of cover. Depending on the level of your premiums, you can ensure up to the full amount of your mortgage.  Should there be a death; the outstanding amount of the mortgage will be paid out in full as one lump sum. Should you suffer an illness or injury, your cover will ensure your mortgage payments are maintained until you are able to return to work.  An important point to note however is that, this form of protection does not cover other expenses, just the mortgage itself.

Income Protection
Unlike mortgage protection insurance, Income Protection replaces a percentage of lost income as a monthly benefit in the event of an illness or injury.  This can be used to cover usual on-going expenses such as clothing, food, household expenses and of course, if possible mortgage repayments. Most Income Protection policies however will only pay out a maximum of 75% of lost earnings which in some cases can mean a shortfall.

Which Option?
Which form of protection best suits you will vary from person to person.  In some cases, a Mortgage Protection policy might be adequate if you have other sources of income to cover day to day living expenses. Alternatively, just having Income Protection may create a financial shortfall ultimately affecting your ability to continue to make mortgage repayments. The best option might be for your advisor to design you a protection package that incorporates both mortgage and income protection ensuring that all financial and living commitments are adequately covered.

More Winners!

Our popular information stands at shopping malls, trade shows and exhibitions continues to reward new clients with a chance to win in one of our great prize draws.

DSCF0694 TV Winner Auckland Home Show 2009 2

Congratulations to our recent winners in Auckland and Christchurch. Receiving a cheque for $1,000.00 from Eric James & Associates’ Anthony Lethlean are Logan & Yvonne Dyson (picture left) of Hoon Hay, Christchurch. And television’s never going to look better after Clyde and Bridgette Farr (picture right) of Bucklands Beach, Auckland, won this fantastic flat screen model.

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Beaky blinders

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