Buy once, buy well

When it comes to the important things in life it’s often worth spending more on that first purchase or, at the very least, doing a little research pre-purchase. Here are three simple thoughts to keep front-of-mind when thinking about the long-term cost implications of that next spend.

Fool me once?

Scammers are changing with the times. Armed with new technologies and methods their new scams are fooling even those who consider themselves savvy to deceitful behaviour. Here are five scams to look out for.

Ready. Set. Grow.

Money doesn’t grow on trees – but the next best thing does. And, more good news, it can grow straight out of the ground too! Here are some tips to grow your own and beat the supermarket checkout blues.

Starting a family?
4 simple tips to set your new budget.

  Beyond the Bugaboos and bite-sized beanies, babies also add more practical, day-to-day expenses to your budget – and a few additional financial and insurance considerations too. Here’s our short list of things to remember. There’s no doubt that starting a family is a life-changer financially. Generally, one parent will be off work for some […]

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Are they ready for when you go?

  Creating a will helps protect those you leave behind – both by simplifying the process of managing your estate and removing any doubt about your wishes and requests. What to include in your will The two most important aspects to a will are your named beneficiaries and your executor and trustee. For most people, […]

The best way for the cookie to crumble
The perfect recipe for uncertain times

  There are two things we know about life for sure. (1) It is often difficult and challenging, with nobody really knowing what will happen next. (2) Any stress from (1) can generally be prevented with delicious cookies. Is there anything more satisfying than a warm, chewy cookie straight out of the oven? This quick and […]

Push out the stress.
Challenging times call for proactive measures.

  Modern living is stressful and, annoyingly, it seems to be getting more stressful by the day! We are inundated with the chaos of busy lives as well as non-stop work and family commitments. Throw a global pandemic into the mix and it’s no wonder the stress levels are rising.  Stress is one of those […]

Change for good.
How to actually break the ‘habit of a lifetime’.

  Here are some simple tips for how to avoid the junk food shopping trolley, the energy-draining binge watching session or the trip down for another pack of cigarettes. It’s generally true that healthy people are happy people. It’s also true that one or two bad habits can have dramatic affects on overall quality of […]

Life tip:
Researching a new job?

  When it comes to assessing a new company’s culture sometimes a gut feeling can save you a world of pain in the weeks, months and years ahead. Here are a couple of simple considerations if you’re in the employment market, or about to take up a new job… First, it pays to keep track […]