
When Pharmac can’t provide
One of our insurance partners has recently released data from 2023 that highlights just how valuable well-tailored health insurance can be when Kiwis are faced with the unimaginable.

Buy once, buy well
When it comes to the important things in life it’s often worth spending more on that first purchase or, at the very least, doing a little research pre-purchase. Here are three simple thoughts to keep front-of-mind when thinking about the long-term cost implications of that next spend.

Tracking the value of life
Until the 16th century there wasn’t a recognised method of buying life insurance and looking after your family. Obviously, there was a need. However, it wasn’t as easy as just providing a service to meet the demand. Many early attempts at providing financial aid to families failed.

Fool me once?
Scammers are changing with the times. Armed with new technologies and methods their new scams are fooling even those who consider themselves savvy to deceitful behaviour. Here are five scams to look out for.

Ready. Set. Grow.
Money doesn’t grow on trees – but the next best thing does. And, more good news, it can grow straight out of the ground too! Here are some tips to grow your own and beat the supermarket checkout blues.

The cost of living is going up…
From the clear evidence in the supermarket aisle to the many stories in the media, there is no getting away from the rising cost of living. Unfortunately, this also has flow-on effects for another inevitable part of life: death.