Push out the stress.
Challenging times call for proactive measures.

  Modern living is stressful and, annoyingly, it seems to be getting more stressful by the day! We are inundated with the chaos of busy lives as well as non-stop work and family commitments. Throw a global pandemic into the mix and it’s no wonder the stress levels are rising.  Stress is one of those […]

Autumn flavour
Our late season raspberry muffin recipe

  Make the most of the late-season raspberries with this quick and easy recipe. These delicious muffins are perfect for school lunchboxes, workplace morning tea, when friends unexpectedly stop by or, possibly, to simply hoard and feast on at home over a few days. You can substitute the raspberries for other berries, however it pays […]

Change for good.
How to actually break the ‘habit of a lifetime’.

  Here are some simple tips for how to avoid the junk food shopping trolley, the energy-draining binge watching session or the trip down for another pack of cigarettes. It’s generally true that healthy people are happy people. It’s also true that one or two bad habits can have dramatic affects on overall quality of […]

Life tip:
Researching a new job?

  When it comes to assessing a new company’s culture sometimes a gut feeling can save you a world of pain in the weeks, months and years ahead. Here are a couple of simple considerations if you’re in the employment market, or about to take up a new job… First, it pays to keep track […]

Life tip: Music to their ears

Having a friend or family member diagnosed with dementia is always an incredibly challenging time, and many people often feel powerless to help those suffering. There are small things you can do right from the start that, as their condition advances, can make a big difference. In the early stages of dementia one simple exercise […]

Career change?
Keep your insurance correctly employed too.

Congratulations on your new job. Now, it’s time to find a new spot to park the car and a new haunt for your daily caffeine hit. But what about new insurance? While you’re busy scouring the streets for the best double espresso in the city, it’s worth assessing your insurance situation with equal gusto. It’s […]

Stress is natural – how to survive it

Spring 2011 Stress is natural – how to survive it Stress can be defined as our physical and emotional response to the demands of our environment and our everyday lives, and goodness knows the people of Christchurch have endured more than enough in the past 12 months. Stress is a natural part of how we […]